Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Dobsons Do Disney

The photo above was actually taken on Day 3 of the vacation. We stayed for 6 days at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground. On Day 1, we caught the campfire sing along with Chip n' Dale. While we waited for Chip n' Dale to arrive, Alex practiced his cheesy grin for Mickey.

Chloe and Dad roasted marshmellows at the campfire.

When Chip n' Dale finally arrived, they scared Chloe so bad she could hardly pose for a photo. They didn't do anything scary. I think that Chloe was just surprised, because they were life sized and not small like on TV. Alex, however, was eagerly offering Dale a drink from Chloe's sippy cup.


Chloe and Alex take a break outside the Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue at Fort Wilderness. Chloe had just finished riding every pony in the stable at the Tri-Circle-D Farm next door...Yeeeee Haw!! Ride'em Cowgirl!!

We also spent some time in the pool on Day 2. Alex has really got that cheesy grin down now.
In addition to swimming and pony rides, the kids really loved putting around on the golf cart we had rented for the day to explore the whole resort/campground.

Day 3

On Day 3, we took a boat ride from Fort Wilderness to the Magic Kingdom. Chloe made friends on the ride over with the little blonde girl on the left side of the photo above. They chatted practically non-stop....amazing, how quickly kids make friends.
Chloe was pretty apprehensive about meeting Cinderella's stepmother and 2 ugly stepsisters. She enjoyed watching them (the stepsisters are hilarious!), but getting that close to them was another matter.
Ice cream break!! Having fun can be hard work.
Seeing all the Disney Princesses in the afternoon parade was absolutely magical for Chloe. She had a great view on top of Daddy's shoulders.
Alex was pretty thrilled about getting to see Tigger, Darby (in background of photo) and Pooh.

Day 4

Day 4 and we are back for more at the Magic Kingdom. Here the kids pose near the main street section of the Magic Kingdom. The landscaping in the park is really gorgeous.

By early afternoon, both the kids had experienced more fun than a toddler can handle and conked out. I swear we did not pose them for this picture. This is how they actually fell asleep...leaning on each other, holding hands. I'm going to enlarge this and have it framed to remind them of how much they really do love each other.

Day 5

We spent Day 5 at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Here we are taking a safari type train ride around the park. Check out Mom's goofy hat (which isn't nearly as goofy as the look on her face).

Chloe explored the Warden Post. Parts of the Animal Kingdom Park were designed to look like an outpost in Africa.

Here is a man made (from some type of resin) "Tree of Life" in Disney's Animal Kingdom.

1 comment:

Do said...

Hey Joe! It was great stumbling on your site. You look great and the family does too. My email is Please contact me and I would love to catch up. Don Pearce