Monday, April 28, 2008

Blue Mountain Beach

The kids had so much fun at the beach this weekend. We were there for 5 hours and they still didn't want to leave. Little Man had a blast in that "huge sandbox (a.k.a. the beach)". Chloe couldn't stay out of the water. She has a little pink inflatable fish ring floatie and two arm band floaties that she wore while she surfed. Thats right! She actually surfed on her fish floatie. I didn't let her go out too far, but she rode the waves up onto the sand on her fish and the two little boys watching her would just scream with laughter every time she did it. Alex wasn't too fond of the water, but he couldn't get enough of the sand. I cleaned about a ton of it out of the tub after their baths last night.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

I can not believe that it is warm enough to swim there. I envy you all. It is cold here. and then it will warm up just where I get a happy feeling and then it goes back to being cold. I love seeing your kids pics and reading all about what you all have been up to.