Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last Night the kiddos went Trick or Treating with some of their friends from church.
Chloe was Catwoman and Alex was Super Mario. 

The turkey pumpkin in the background was Chloe's entry in the Walton County Fair Pumpkin Decorating Contest.  She won a 1st place blue ribbon in  her division.  
Alex loved the blow up belly in his Super Mario costume.  He kept belly bumping all the kids.
The kids all loaded up in the church van and went to several church members homes to trick or treat and got so tired and hungry, they needed to take a rest/snack break by the time they got to our house.  They had a great time.  I think we may do it again next year.  It's a really fun and safe way for the kids to celebrate Halloween.

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