Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween Play Date

Keeping this many toddlers happy long enough for a group photo is just about the biggest challenge imaginable. This is our playgroups' annual Halloween Play Date. After the kids finished posing for pictures and could actually play, they had a great time.

Alex preferred to watch the craziness from the comfort of his car seat.
The group went on a hayride, which Chloe really enjoyed. She kept wanting to get back on the wagon when it was over.
Chloe and Kalyn play house. This was Chloe's favorite thing to play with at the play date. We'll have to get her one for the back yard.
Chloe wants the yellow ring...
...and Chloe gets the yellow ring!
"No, Cole. You can't come in. This is MY playhouse. MINE! MINE! MINE!"
"I'll join you guys in a minute. I just gotta take this call"
All a girl really needs to be happy is a rocking horse and a plastic shovel. Oh yeah, and a snack. You can see Chloe is still wearing hers on her face.
I'm so glad Chloe wasn't wearing her Halloween costume yet. It would have been a complete train wreck. There was just no keeping this kid out of the dirt. Her and dirt are pretty good pals.
I'm pretty sure that she not only played in the dirt, but ate some also. Oh well, at least she had a good time. Keep checking the blog. We'll post more photo's after trick or treating tonight!

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