Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt

The kids got to go on an Easter Egg hunt on Good Friday at their school. It was very exciting for some, and a little frightening for others. In the end, everyone had a great time.

After seeing all the eggs lying around, they cannot wait to get out of the car.

Alex was not initially pleased with the whole idea of an Easter Egg hunt.

But, he slowly got into the groove of looking for the eggs (although he was not a big fan of the bug-shaped eggs, like the ladybug here he passed on).

He also was a little cautious of the bunnies. This captures the only moment when he would actually touch one.

He didn't make a big haul, but what he got was quality and he was more than willing to share the goodies with anyone around.

For Chloe, it was a whole different matter. She was poised to get ready....

Get set .....
And, GOOOOO! She was off to the races and, in a matter of seconds, already had her eye on the prize(s).
The play kitchen was a good place to start.
And the play house was just full of eggs once you got inside.

After the hunt was over, she counted her haul, and what a haul it was. Daddy had to stop her about halfway through, so that there would be enough Easter eggs for the other babies.

Chloe loved the bunnies. She had that look in her eye that said, can't we have one of these at home, Daddy?

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