Monday, April 28, 2008

Blue Mountain Beach

The kids had so much fun at the beach this weekend. We were there for 5 hours and they still didn't want to leave. Little Man had a blast in that "huge sandbox (a.k.a. the beach)". Chloe couldn't stay out of the water. She has a little pink inflatable fish ring floatie and two arm band floaties that she wore while she surfed. Thats right! She actually surfed on her fish floatie. I didn't let her go out too far, but she rode the waves up onto the sand on her fish and the two little boys watching her would just scream with laughter every time she did it. Alex wasn't too fond of the water, but he couldn't get enough of the sand. I cleaned about a ton of it out of the tub after their baths last night.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day at the zoo

The whole family took a little time off Sunday to visit Zoo World in Panama City. Chloe wasn't a big fan of the REALLY loud parrots (as you can see here) and Alex was hanging on for dear life because Dad had just spun him around 180 degrees so he would look at the staff zoo cameraman. Other than that, it was a relatively successful family picture.

Saturday, April 05, 2008


The "Spider Dig" was tons of fun!
The girls did quite well at the Spider Dig, and were very pleased with how many spiders they found.Check out the awesome t-shirts mom made!!
Hangin' out with cousin Ella in the playhouse.
Daddy made some tasty burgers and dawgs. Who wants ice cream!!??

This is "Little Man's" best James Dean impersonation.
Chloe gets ready to blow out the candles on her Miss Spider cake...if Mom can figure out how to use a scorch n' torch.

Cousin Lawson made out pretty well with the candy after the Pinata was finally smashed (by Dad).