Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Morning

Chloe, Alex and Reagan(the little girl next door) all got bikes for Christmas and formed a bike gang. None of the kids could wait to change out of their pajamas before hopping on their bikes.
"I just wanna ride my hog and not be hassled by The Man".

Friday, December 26, 2008

Alex falls asleep during lunch

It wasn't even Christmas yet and Alex was already exhausted. After a hard night of partying Tuesday, Alex wasn't able to stay awake through lunch Christmas Eve morning. It's pretty bad when you pass out in your Cheerios.

Chloe shows how to make "Fresh Cookies"

Chloe's audition tape for the Food Network. :-)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Visiting with Santa in Arkansas

Chloe and Alex had a brief visit with Santa in Blytheville, Arkansas, at the "Lights of the Delta Festival". Chloe took it as an opportunity to remind Santa that she wanted a Tinker Bell doll AND an Ariel doll. The only problem was she was highly disappointed when Santa didn't just hand them over then. I'm sure she thought, "You're here, I'm here, let's get this deal done."

Saturday, November 08, 2008

One more from the photo shoot

I forgot to add this one. It would have been a shame if I had omitted it, since Chloe is doing such a good job of posing.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Visiting Arkansas

The kids are in Arkansas with Momma,
and it looks like they're having a pretty good time.

Here, you can see Chloe and Alex getting ready to go fishin'.

Here are Cousin Ella and Chloe out on the farm.

Chloe tries to pick up a very large bunny, while Ella looks on.

Alex has himself a new buddy - Mr. Goat.

Momma was able to get Alex and Chloe to stay still long enough for a picture.

Here's Alex and his GQ pose.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Halloween Fun.

Chloe and Alex had a big time on Halloween.
As you can see here, Alex went as a Killer Bee. Buzz, buzz.

Here's Chloe, our little kitty cat.

Here's Chloe and Alex with their friends

Chloe found a Voodoo Queen.

The Younts always put on a big show.

The Spartan Cheerleaders took time out from
trying to think up the World's Greatest Cheer
to pass out candy to Chloe and Alex.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Prince Poo Poo'd

I don't know how or why this happened....I was washing dishes in the kitchen when I heard Chloe call from the playroom, "Mama, I think my Prince poo poo'd". I walked by, saw this and grabbed the camera ( I may need to use this as leverage some time during his teenage years). Anyway, he had indeed poo poo'd. I guess it was all the excitement of prancing daintily across the playroom floor in his sister's Snow White high heels.

Strolling with Baby

Chloe is such a good "Little Mommy". She takes really good care of her babies. I took Alex for a stroll around the lake and Chloe insisted that she also take Baby Lawson for a stroll. Chloe named the doll after her youngest cousin, even though her doll is dressed in pink and is obviously a girl. I guess she just likes the name... :-)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chloe goes bungee jumping!

As you can see here, Chloe had a pretty good time bungee jumping in Panama City today. Check out the videos below for the live-action footage. (It was taken on a cell phone, so the quality is not great.)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Chloe's First Dance Class

Chloe took her first dance class today. It may be a little hard to see, but she's the cutie in the middle of the frame most of the time. It looks like we're going to have to work on listening to the teacher a little.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Rainy Day Photos

Here are some pictures we took while Gustav was making it too wet to play outside this weekend.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alex's party movies

Here are four short movies from Alex's party tonight. I think he had a good time.

Daddy gets to hug on his little girl.

Daddy gets to spend some quality time with his baby girl during Alex's birthday party.

Alexander turns two!

Alex, Chloe, Momma and Daddy all celebrated Alex's second birthday Thursday night. Here are a few scenes from Alex's big house party:

Chloe gets ready for the arrival of the birthday boy.

Man, is that good icing!

Hats on and ready to party!

I think I might need a damp paper towel.

You just wish your hat looked this good.

Just two years old and already the mustache is starting to come in a little.

Momma helps little man open his presents.

Chloe gets to help, too.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Swimming with Cousin Kennedy in Nana's backyard.
Ballerina Princess...sometimes a girl just wants to feel pretty!
Chloe and Kennedy love "helping" Nana in the garden.
Chloe and Alex visit their Great Grandma and Grandpa.
Cousin Ella shares her ice cream.
Alex doodles something entertaining for PaPa.
Chloe and Kennedy spent a few hot afternoons cooling off in the pool.
Picking blackberries behind PaPa's shop.
Naptime with PaPa.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dad's old slides

Joe's dad would have been 63 on Tuesday. Joe got a little sentimental and found some old slides Dad had shot from the early 60s through the 70s. For a complete view, see all the pictures at Flickr by clicking here. This appears to be a self-portrait when he was still in the Air Force in 1964.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Dobsons Do Disney

The photo above was actually taken on Day 3 of the vacation. We stayed for 6 days at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground. On Day 1, we caught the campfire sing along with Chip n' Dale. While we waited for Chip n' Dale to arrive, Alex practiced his cheesy grin for Mickey.

Chloe and Dad roasted marshmellows at the campfire.

When Chip n' Dale finally arrived, they scared Chloe so bad she could hardly pose for a photo. They didn't do anything scary. I think that Chloe was just surprised, because they were life sized and not small like on TV. Alex, however, was eagerly offering Dale a drink from Chloe's sippy cup.


Chloe and Alex take a break outside the Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue at Fort Wilderness. Chloe had just finished riding every pony in the stable at the Tri-Circle-D Farm next door...Yeeeee Haw!! Ride'em Cowgirl!!

We also spent some time in the pool on Day 2. Alex has really got that cheesy grin down now.
In addition to swimming and pony rides, the kids really loved putting around on the golf cart we had rented for the day to explore the whole resort/campground.

Day 3

On Day 3, we took a boat ride from Fort Wilderness to the Magic Kingdom. Chloe made friends on the ride over with the little blonde girl on the left side of the photo above. They chatted practically non-stop....amazing, how quickly kids make friends.
Chloe was pretty apprehensive about meeting Cinderella's stepmother and 2 ugly stepsisters. She enjoyed watching them (the stepsisters are hilarious!), but getting that close to them was another matter.
Ice cream break!! Having fun can be hard work.
Seeing all the Disney Princesses in the afternoon parade was absolutely magical for Chloe. She had a great view on top of Daddy's shoulders.
Alex was pretty thrilled about getting to see Tigger, Darby (in background of photo) and Pooh.

Day 4

Day 4 and we are back for more at the Magic Kingdom. Here the kids pose near the main street section of the Magic Kingdom. The landscaping in the park is really gorgeous.

By early afternoon, both the kids had experienced more fun than a toddler can handle and conked out. I swear we did not pose them for this picture. This is how they actually fell asleep...leaning on each other, holding hands. I'm going to enlarge this and have it framed to remind them of how much they really do love each other.

Day 5

We spent Day 5 at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Here we are taking a safari type train ride around the park. Check out Mom's goofy hat (which isn't nearly as goofy as the look on her face).

Chloe explored the Warden Post. Parts of the Animal Kingdom Park were designed to look like an outpost in Africa.

Here is a man made (from some type of resin) "Tree of Life" in Disney's Animal Kingdom.