Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Candy Handout

Little man and his big sis had a great time this Halloween. He got to dress up as Dinosaur, Jr. and she went as Snow White. Chloe spent Halloween night handing out candy to literally hundreds of kids. In her little plastic high-heeled shoes, she worked hard for at least an hour and a half telling kids "Trick or Treat" and "Happy Halloween". Even after all the kids were gone, she stood on the edge of the porch and yelled out into the black of night, "Kids ... I've got you candy!" She was definitely the hardest-working baby in Babyland. See some of her work on the video below. Notice how in the beginning she was picking who to give candy to (if you looked too scary, you didn't get no candy!). But shortly after I stopped filming, she went straight to handing out candy to anyone -- pirates, vampires, ghouls, Britney Spears, it didn't matter.

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