Saturday, May 26, 2007


Since the beaches were so crowded today with tourists taking advantage of a 3 day weekend, we took the kids to the zoo instead. The kids got to see most of it from the comfort of their double stroller. Although, Chloe did quite of bit of walking and playing too.

Here are some of the animals they saw...
Chloe rode the train through part of the zoo only accessible via train with Joe and saw even more animals.
Although she doesn't look really happy here, I'm told she did enjoy the ride.
Here is a view from the train.
Chloe enjoyed watching the fish in the koi pond.
This one sort of speaks for itself.

Chloe loved the playground at the zoo and even made a new friend. She was a sweet little girl just a little bit older than Chloe.
Here's Alex entertaining himself with his seat buckle. He seemed to be having a great time. I hope he's always this good...
On the way home from the zoo, we had to stop and get groceries at Sam's Club. Even though Chloe is in the middle of a tantrum, I wanted to share this photo, because of the sweet expression on Alex's little face. When he purses his lips like that, I just have to laugh.

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