Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pre-Present Picture

We had just enough time to snap a quick pre-present picture Christmas morning.

Electric Christmas Princess

Chloe was lighting up the room this morning in the battery-operated princess dress she got from Uncle Rog and Aunt Misey.

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!!! The kids had a big time this morning and a full schedule ahead of them this afternoon. Hope everyone else is having a good one.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chloe Dancing

Aunt Debbie gave Chloe a little princess balloon on a stick at the party. Sunday morning, all she wanted to do was dance with the princess. Since the bottom half of the princess is basically a plastic stick, dancing can be hard on your feet. Even Baby Alex makes a guest cameo in this one.

Christmas Party

Chloe and Alex had a big time at the company Christmas party. They both got to get down with Uncle Ryan. It's kind of dark, but if you look real close you can see Alex give Momma his cutie face.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Also on the cover of the...

Least we not forget Chloe's musical accomplishments. Once again, click on the picture for the full effect.

Monday, December 10, 2007

On the cover of the...

Dad was having a little fun on the RS Web site tonight. Click on the picture for the full effect.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A little Christmas cheer

Here's a little Christmas cheer from our family to yours:

Click Here for the Holiday Joy!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Alex's new haircut

We thought everyone should get a look at Alex's new haircut, courtesy of Dad and the Robocut. Despite what the packaging claims, the sound of the blades spinning and the vacuum cleaner are NOT soothing to small children and pets.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Candy Handout

Little man and his big sis had a great time this Halloween. He got to dress up as Dinosaur, Jr. and she went as Snow White. Chloe spent Halloween night handing out candy to literally hundreds of kids. In her little plastic high-heeled shoes, she worked hard for at least an hour and a half telling kids "Trick or Treat" and "Happy Halloween". Even after all the kids were gone, she stood on the edge of the porch and yelled out into the black of night, "Kids ... I've got you candy!" She was definitely the hardest-working baby in Babyland. See some of her work on the video below. Notice how in the beginning she was picking who to give candy to (if you looked too scary, you didn't get no candy!). But shortly after I stopped filming, she went straight to handing out candy to anyone -- pirates, vampires, ghouls, Britney Spears, it didn't matter.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Chloe and Alex.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Alex gets better at walking

Our little man was able to negotiate obstacles this weekend without taking a tumble. He's getting much better and it hasn't really been that long.

Alex writes a song

Alex was working on his first original composition this weekend. While it was his time to shine, Big Sis wanted to get in on all the action, as you can see from the video.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The County Fair

Alex and Chloe got to go to the County Fair Saturday and Chloe had a big time while little man got to relax and watch the whole thing. Chloe got to ride a lot more rides this year, as you can see in the video below. I can't believe how much Chloe has grown in a year (watch the video on the bottom to see her at last year's fair).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids to the Pumpkin Patch this past weekend and managed to get a few pictures of them in between hissy fits.

We took a few pictures of the kids before we left the house. They looked too sweet not to capture on film.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Alex is Learning to Walk

Here's a little compilation video from last night. Alex doesn't mind walking if he has a goal -- like a big hug from sister!

I Like Chicken!

Especially plastic, toy chickens!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Playing Dress Up

Her Highness displays the Royal Jewels.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Storytime with Chloe

Alex was getting upset, so Chloe decided to go get a book and read him a story.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Chloe gets a pet

Monday night Chloe welcomed a new member to the family - a pet fish. Her name is Goldie Fish (although when Chloe calls her name it sounds more like Gold-a-Feesh). As you can see, she welcomed Goldie Fish with a big hug and a kiss. Later, when she got some pizza in a cut in her finger and required a band-aid, Chloe had to say, "Look, Gold-a-Feesh. I godda band-aid." Goldie Fish seemed very impressed.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Alex got a new car for his birthday...(he loves cruisin' and waving at all the pretty girls). He got his immunizations on Wednesday. The vaccine for chicken pox actually give him the chicken pox and he has little red bumps all over his belly and back right now. Although he doesn't feel that great, he is still managing to have a good time and enjoy his new ride!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More from the first birthday party

Here's some video from Alex's first birthday party...

Alex has an early birthday party

Little man had an early first birthday party this weekend while visiting his grandparents in Arkansas. You've heard the old saying that someone was covered head-to-toe. As you can see from the picture below, it's more than a saying for Alex. He had a good time. Chloe kept wanting to look at the birthday pictures later and, when she saw this one, she said, "Look. Baby fall down in the cake."

Chloe had a good time, too. As you see here, she got a new pair of sunglasses and an ice-cream-cone-shaped bubble container (which she licked on just to make sure it wasn't real).

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dad needs a hobby

This is the kind of thing that happens when Dad is stuck at home and the family's been gone for a month. Way too much time on his hands.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Pool Pictures

Chloe and Cousin Kennedy had a great time playing "tea party" in the pool.
Kennedy is only 1 year older than Chloe, but is already strong enough to pick her up and carry her around.
Nana and Alex enjoy the pool at Mary's house.

I only brought Chloe 1 swim diaper to the pool, and when that had to be changed all I had left was a regular diaper...kind of a funny sight after it has soaked up half the pool. What a bodacious booty!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Renfro Grandchildren

These photos were taken at PaPa and Nana's house last night. Getting this many little ones to smile (sort of) at the same time was quite a job.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chloe on the Trampoline

Chloe loves to visit her AR cousins. They are loads of fun AND have a trampoline. This photo really captured her...she was barely more than a blur while playing yesterday evening. There was so much to do, she really exhausted herself. She had just enough energy left to take a bath and fall into bed last night.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Family Visit

Chloe, Alex, and Cindy visited with the Neals on Sunday. After lunch at Aunt Judy's house the little ones got quite a bit of cuddling. Below is Aunt Judy with Chloe and Cousin DeeDee with Alex.
Alex has been getting so much hugging and squeezing that it just wears the little fella out. He barely had enough energy to finish his lunch before he fell asleep in his chair in the photo below.
Cousin Kennedy came by for a visit and the kids had a great time playing with Nana's doll house

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dress Up

Cousin Ella and Chloe have been playing dress up quite a bit this week. They love to put on their princess gear and dance around the house. Check out Chloe's new hair cut in the photo below.
Chloe took a bit of a spill on the sidewalk earlier in the week and got herself a couple of skinned knees...hence, the lovely band-aids.

Is there anything cuter than a little girl in a tutu??!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ella and Lawson

Cousin Ella and her baby brother, Lawson, are playing the perfect hosts for Chloe and Alex this week. Mom was able to get a shot of the pair this week.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Standing Room Only

Little man pulled up by himself for the first time this morning.

Hot Fun In The Summertime

Chloe and her cousin Ella enjoyed a little watermelon yesterday while playing in Ella's backyard.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Off to the races

Although it wasn't even close to an Olympic event, Chloe got to race with her friends on July 4th before the fireworks started. As you can see from the video, the race would be best described as unconventional.

July 4th fun in Florida

Chloe and Alex had a big time on July 4th. We had supper at Chloe's friend Reagan's house and then watch the fireworks. Momma had a special July 4th outfit picked out for Chloe and Alex played and screamed until he just passed out.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Chillin' on Father's Day

Alex got to sit back and enjoy a little TV this weekend while Dad had a heat stroke trying to repair the French doors. It's good that he got to relax, because he's usually on the go so much -- really burning the candle at both ends. Well, that's what Father's Day is for -- kickin' back with the peeps and catchin' a little TV.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chloe works on another original composition

Momma caught Chloe working on an original composition For Father's Day. She's also learning to take care of her instrument (see the end of the video).

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Here he is and what a cutie!! Lawson was born on 6/14/07 at 9:42 pm weighing exactly 7 lbs and was 19 1/2" long. Congratulations Karen and Chris!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chloe sings the hits

Chloe was in a good mood tonight and belted out a few of her favorite tunes. We are presenting the unedited work, just as it was performed, in MP3 format. For your listening pleasure, enjoy:

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Chloe gets a new book

Aunt Debbie gave Chloe a My Little Pony book and a Charlie and Lola book (which seem impossible to find down here). Chloe was terribly excited, as you can see in the video.

Playing in the Sprinkler

Chloe and her little friend Reagan from next door played in the front yard with Chloe's "Ocean Friends" sprinkler and had a blast today.