Saturday, December 02, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006 Tour Continues

The 2nd stop on the Thanksgiving Tour was in Gepp, AR at Nana and Pa Pa Renfro's house, where Alex got to see his Grandpa for the first time.

Chloe and Alex also got to visit with their cousins.

Left to Right are Reagan, Chloe, Nathan, Haley, Alex and Logan.
Chloe takes charge of Kennedy's toys while Kennedy visits with Nana.
Chloe chats with Uncle Roger on his 40th Birthday.
Aunt Karen gets her turn to snuggle with Baby Alex.
Ella was so excited to see Chloe. They girls had a great time playing together.

Alex is happy just to watch the girls play (for now).
Chloe gets all bundled up for an outing on Pa Pa's Rhino.
Due to a surprise visit from the stomach virus fairy, we slept in the RV Wednesday night to try and avoid getting sick, then started driving back home early Thursday morning. Chloe loves sleeping with one leg thrown over someone or something. I thought this was so funny. I just had to get a picture of it.

The photo above was taken on Thanksgiving Day, which we had to spend in the Hollywood Casino RV Park in Tunica, Mississippi. We hated that we had to miss having Thanksgiving Dinner with our family after traveling so far to see them, but it couldn't be helped. Eating Thanksgiving Dinner in an RV Park sounds pretty depressing, doesn't it?.....well....IT IS!! I'm just kidding (sort of). We really do have so much to be thankful for. Our good health, for example, which we all had when this photo was taken. We didn't get sick until later. Apparently, in spite of our best efforts to "Get the Heck out of Dodge" before contracting the stomach virus, we all (except Alex, thank The Good Lord) got sick anyway. Alex's first Thanksgiving certainly was a memorable one. Let's hope Christmas comes and goes without anyone spewing anything from anywhere.

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