Saturday, October 21, 2006

Walton County Fair

Joe and I took the kids to the Walton County Fair this afternoon. We rode the rides, ate cotton candy and funnel cakes, won a stuffed animal for Chloe at one of those "Test Your Skill" type booths, then went to see all the animals in the 4-H exhibits. It was so much fun to see Chloe's reactions to things. She enjoyed just about everything except the merry go round, which scared her a little...see photo below.

This ride was a little scary for Chloe. She had to ride the Merry Go Round with one arm around Dad to feel safe.

At first the elephant ride scared Chloe too...

...but then...
...she got used to it...

...and actually started to enjoy herself!
That tiny little head barely sticking up above the dash board in the background is Chloe. Mom's crazy driving made bumper cars a blast!

Chloe enjoyed squeezing and pulling the cotton candy apart even more than eating it.

A very tired little girl holds the stuffed duck that Daddy worked SO HARD to win for her.

By the end of the afternoon, the whole family was (as they say down here) "plum tuckered out". However, we're already looking forward to attending the county fair next year when Alex will be older and can enjoy it more.

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