Tuesday, October 31, 2006

DeeDee Says Happy Halloween

DeeDee Doodle passed out loads of candy tonight. There are plenty more pics coming tomorrow, but I know some of you were dying to see a picture of her in her DeeDee Doodle Costume Aunt Debbie got her.

Also, you might want to see DeeDee getting down to her new favorite song - the Theme from the Exorcist - and sorting through the candy. Click here to see the MOVIE!

If you're having trouble seeing the video, you might want to view it on YouTube by clicking here.

Halloween Play Date

Keeping this many toddlers happy long enough for a group photo is just about the biggest challenge imaginable. This is our playgroups' annual Halloween Play Date. After the kids finished posing for pictures and could actually play, they had a great time.

Alex preferred to watch the craziness from the comfort of his car seat.
The group went on a hayride, which Chloe really enjoyed. She kept wanting to get back on the wagon when it was over.
Chloe and Kalyn play house. This was Chloe's favorite thing to play with at the play date. We'll have to get her one for the back yard.
Chloe wants the yellow ring...
...and Chloe gets the yellow ring!
"No, Cole. You can't come in. This is MY playhouse. MINE! MINE! MINE!"
"I'll join you guys in a minute. I just gotta take this call"
All a girl really needs to be happy is a rocking horse and a plastic shovel. Oh yeah, and a snack. You can see Chloe is still wearing hers on her face.
I'm so glad Chloe wasn't wearing her Halloween costume yet. It would have been a complete train wreck. There was just no keeping this kid out of the dirt. Her and dirt are pretty good pals.
I'm pretty sure that she not only played in the dirt, but ate some also. Oh well, at least she had a good time. Keep checking the blog. We'll post more photo's after trick or treating tonight!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Chloe's Kitchen

Chloe and her friend, Isabella, had a lot of fun playing in Chloe's kitchen this morning after eating a "gracious plenty" of chocolate cookies.

Elmo's Biggest Fan

I just had to share this photo with you.  I took Chloe to the store yesterday morning to get a few things.  One thing I needed was a pair of slippers for Chloe.  I had the cutest little Disney Princess slippers already in the cart when she spotted the Elmo slippers and started yelling MEEEMO!! MEEEMO!! MEEEMO!!.  Needless to say, we left with the Elmo slippers. She didn't take them off all day.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Alex at 8 weeks


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Walton County Fair

Joe and I took the kids to the Walton County Fair this afternoon. We rode the rides, ate cotton candy and funnel cakes, won a stuffed animal for Chloe at one of those "Test Your Skill" type booths, then went to see all the animals in the 4-H exhibits. It was so much fun to see Chloe's reactions to things. She enjoyed just about everything except the merry go round, which scared her a little...see photo below.

This ride was a little scary for Chloe. She had to ride the Merry Go Round with one arm around Dad to feel safe.

At first the elephant ride scared Chloe too...

...but then...
...she got used to it...

...and actually started to enjoy herself!
That tiny little head barely sticking up above the dash board in the background is Chloe. Mom's crazy driving made bumper cars a blast!

Chloe enjoyed squeezing and pulling the cotton candy apart even more than eating it.

A very tired little girl holds the stuffed duck that Daddy worked SO HARD to win for her.

By the end of the afternoon, the whole family was (as they say down here) "plum tuckered out". However, we're already looking forward to attending the county fair next year when Alex will be older and can enjoy it more.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our Little Man

Hi All!

I wanted to share the latest photo of our little man. This was taken this morning after Alex's bath, and he was in a pretty good mood. His hair looks a little funky, because I hadn't combed it yet. I chose to wait on the hair grooming thing, because I was afraid of making him unhappy and spoiling the photo op.

I love this little cutie so much!!! I can't wait to go back to Arkansas this Thanksgiving and give him a proper introduction to the whole family.

Halloween Decorations

Some folks on our street got a little carried away with their Halloween decorations this year. We put the kids in the stroller and took the camera with us on one of our morning walks around the lake, so we could get some photos of this house and all the "interesting" stuff on their lawn. This makes the decorations at our house (scarecrows and pumpkins) look downright puny.

The Pumpkin Patch

We (i.e. Joe, Cindy, Chloe and Alex) visited the Pumpkin Patch in Niceville, FL last Saturday. Chloe was so excited she could hardly stay still long enough to be photographed. Alex just wanted to nap all afternoon. You can see our "Lil Pumpkin" sleeping with all the other pumpkins in the photos below.

Chloe had a great time when she wasn't throwing a temper tantrum. She isn't two yet, but she certainly acts like she is. She especially enjoyed bouncing around in the inflatable tent that had been set up for the little ones.