Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chloe in the Princess Pageant

Chloe in the dressing room at the Princess Pageant this May in Mountain Home.
Chloe's gorgeous little cousin was not a contestant this time, but instead provided a talent bit during the pageant's intermission. She danced to Katie Perry's "Firework" and was awesome!

Easter Egg Hunt at church

My two are in the back.

Here is Chloe and Alex with one of their little friends from church.After a "healthy" snack...
...the kids hunted eggs in the lake yard behind the church.

I did not take the above photo like that....weird....I don't know why blogger keeps turning it around...

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Family Fun Day at the Park

Some of the girls from Chloe's ballet class got to perform at the park for Family Fun Day.
Her favorite part of getting to perform was putting on the make-up, but the dancing was fun too.