Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Airswimmers were a hit!

Chloe and Alex loved living in an aquarium this weekend. The Airswimmers were a big hit.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Chloe wins Miss Photogenic at her beauty pageant

Chloe won Miss Photogenic at her school's beauty pageant on Saturday. So proud of our baby girl.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Alex was on fire!

Alex finally caught on to soccer Saturday morning with a breakout performance -- scoring six goals. Adding in Chloe's three, that made nine goals for the Dobson clan. Here was goal number three for Alex.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Second Soccer Game

Chloe and Alex had their second soccer game today and it was AWESOME! They completely shut down the other team. They were able to dominate the field and Chloe was on fire, scoring all of the team's goals (there were so many that we lost count, and she sat out a quarter). You could hear the other parents talking about her. She is a force to be reckoned with, and this was only her second game in ANY sport. I fear for anyone who has to oppose her. As good as she was, she slid down one time, got up and told her coach she was an awful player. He just laughed and told her to get back in there.

Looking back at the photos, we figured out how she was able to dominate ball control. She taught herself this trick on the field. First, you grab the other player by the wrist ...

... then, you yank them behind you and take off with the ball. She used it to devastating effect today.

Here, you see Alex getting to kick the ball back in play. He was able to get a few assists in, and some steals. So, he had a pretty good day, but it's hard to get any time with the ball when Chloe's on fire.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Very First Soccer Game

Alex and Chloe had their very first soccer game today. It was Chloe's very first sports game and ... SHE SCORED THREE GOALS!!! We were so proud. Alex had a few assists and had a really good time. We're proud of him, too. See the series of Chloe scoring a goal below.

Little man did a really good job, too!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Birthday Boy!

The birthday boy gets to open his presents.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pool Fun

We took a trip to the public pool today and the kids had a blast swimming underwater.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chloe in the Princess Pageant

Chloe in the dressing room at the Princess Pageant this May in Mountain Home.
Chloe's gorgeous little cousin was not a contestant this time, but instead provided a talent bit during the pageant's intermission. She danced to Katie Perry's "Firework" and was awesome!

Easter Egg Hunt at church

My two are in the back.

Here is Chloe and Alex with one of their little friends from church.After a "healthy" snack...
...the kids hunted eggs in the lake yard behind the church.

I did not take the above photo like that....weird....I don't know why blogger keeps turning it around...

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Family Fun Day at the Park

Some of the girls from Chloe's ballet class got to perform at the park for Family Fun Day.
Her favorite part of getting to perform was putting on the make-up, but the dancing was fun too.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pre-Easter Easter Egg Hunt

Chloe and Alex had a big time at the church on Thursday hunting eggs.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chloe gets her ears pierced

Here's Chloe getting one of her birthday presents this weekend. She was such a good girl.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beauty Pageant

Chloe was in a Beauty Pageant on Saturday. She didn't win, even though I thought she was the most beautiful child to ever walk across that stage. I guess that's how all the Mom's felt...;)Chloe in the dressing room just before the pageant.
Chloe on stage
By the time this photo was taken, most of her make-up was off, but I still think she is a doll baby.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Alex's Valentine Box

Alex had a school project to make a Valentine box to hold all his little Valentines after their party next month. Of course, Sponge Bob was his obvious choice. Thank goodness for craft foam. I don't know what Moms did before craft foam.