Monday, August 30, 2010

Alex's 4th Birthday Party

We pulled out the old bouncy tent once again for another Birthday party. Alex turned 4 on Saturday (that's him with his feet in the air).Spider-Man was the theme this year. Alex had been begging for a Spider-Man cake since Chloe's Birthday party.Here is a better look at the cake
Alex had such a great time. He played till he was hot and sweaty with his hair sticking to his head. He wasn't bothered by the heat or his blue icing mustache.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chloe's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Chloe outside her elementary school. She can't wait to start her 1st day.

She was almost as excited for Alex to start his 1st day in the K4 class at his preschool.