Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This is What Happens When the Kids Get Bored

Snow White and Batman decided to give Zoeykins a new do! Ain't she purty??!! Chloe has the big Barbie head you can use to practice hairstyles and make-up, but a live volunteer (victim) is WAY more fun!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chloe sings her new favorite song.

Didn't take too long to memorize the words, either.

Chloe's new favorite song.

Chloe makes up a dance to her new favorite song.

Good boy?

Alex considers the age-old question, should I be a good boy or a bad boy?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas train

Chloe and Alex got to ride the Christmas train during a quick trip to the mall.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting ready for the Christmas program

Chloe practices her song for the Christmas program. You'll probably have to turn the volume way up, since she was a little shy.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

We Saw Santa at Bass Pro

We had to wait in line to see Santa for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. However, the wait really wasn't too bad, because Bass Pro had set up all kinds of decorations and toys for the kids to play with while they waited.
Finally, after all that waiting...we got to see Santa! The big moment was almost just TOO exciting!
The kids had plenty to tell Santa when he asked, "What would you like for Christmas?".
Chloe and Alex thought the grapevine sculptures of reindeer were pretty cool.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Alex at the Magic Show

Alex was onstage for the first time this weekend, as part of a pirate-themed magic show.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The big parade

Alex and Chloe score big candy during the July 4th parade in front of their house.

July 4th Parade

Our little Yankee Doodle, Chloe, scored a hat during the 4th of July parade -- which just happens to drive by the front of the house.

Alex and Chloe are really excited about the possibility of candy.

Alex checks out the Barbie Camera, getting ready for the parade.

As you can see, he still needs to work on his photography skills
(the flash is pointing directly at his right eye).

Mom and Dad pull off a self-portrait.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Playing Dress Up

I cannot believe Alex allowed Chloe to do this to him. It just proves how much he loves his "Big Sis". Chloe found a head piece from a princess outfit from her Aunt Missy and Uncle Rog and decided it would be great for Alex. She put it on him and called him her baby...then she found the scarf from a Snow White Dress and used that as his bib. She has seated him in her princess chair, because she says it is now time to feed the baby. I really hope she enjoys this, because not too long from now(hopefully), he will decide he only wants to play dress up if he can be a cowboy or a fireman.

Monday, June 15, 2009

More Pix from Orange Beach, AL

Here are some photos of the kids playing in the pool at the condo where Chris and Karen stayed in Orange Beach.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Orange Beach, AL

Chloe and Alex visited Ella and Lawson in Orange Beach, AL where Chris and Karen were vacationing in a condo on the beach. Since they were only 2 hrs from us, we drove over and spent the day with them. This is a childrens' park not far from the condo. The kids had a great time.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The PollyWogs

Chloe and Alex try out their new PollyWogs, a gift from Aunt Debbie.

The Barbie Dog House

Chloe decided Barbie needed a new addition to her home - Zoe.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dancing the afternoon away in Jackson Square

After their early dinner, Chloe and Alex enjoyed a little free-form dancing. You can't hear it very well, but there's someone playing a tuba out on Jackson Square. Ah, New Orleans.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Very tired at Cafe Pontalba

Chloe had a hard day swimming in the pool, and it was all she could do to stay awake through an early dinner at Cafe Pontalba in Jackson Square.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt

The kids got to go on an Easter Egg hunt on Good Friday at their school. It was very exciting for some, and a little frightening for others. In the end, everyone had a great time.

After seeing all the eggs lying around, they cannot wait to get out of the car.

Alex was not initially pleased with the whole idea of an Easter Egg hunt.

But, he slowly got into the groove of looking for the eggs (although he was not a big fan of the bug-shaped eggs, like the ladybug here he passed on).

He also was a little cautious of the bunnies. This captures the only moment when he would actually touch one.

He didn't make a big haul, but what he got was quality and he was more than willing to share the goodies with anyone around.

For Chloe, it was a whole different matter. She was poised to get ready....

Get set .....
And, GOOOOO! She was off to the races and, in a matter of seconds, already had her eye on the prize(s).
The play kitchen was a good place to start.
And the play house was just full of eggs once you got inside.

After the hunt was over, she counted her haul, and what a haul it was. Daddy had to stop her about halfway through, so that there would be enough Easter eggs for the other babies.

Chloe loved the bunnies. She had that look in her eye that said, can't we have one of these at home, Daddy?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Chloe and Alex Try Out for FedEx

Chloe and Alex act as flight engineers during some type of in-flight emergency at the Children's Museum of Memphis.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Fun With Zoe!

As you can see, Zoe is starting to fit right in.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Day of School

Chloe and Alex started preschool this morning.

Alex doesn't seem as happy as Chloe.

But that's nothing little juice can't fix.

Chloe's ready to go to her class in a different building.

Everybody has their own cubbyhole, and now Chloe has hers.