Saturday, January 26, 2008

Uncle Ronnie's Funeral

Joe's uncle, Ronnie Dale Newman, passed away this week. We went to Baton Rouge for the funeral and got to visit with family we haven't seen in years.

Chloe had a really good time with her second cousins, Luke and James.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chloe reads the newspaper

Chloe enjoyed an after-breakfast read this morning. Lots of good deals in that paper!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Farmer Alex

Alex's neighbor, Reagan, let him drive her tractor this weekend and he looked like a natural out on the farm.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Over three million lights

Tonight was the last night of our city's Christmas display, which happens to be across the street from the house. Dad snapped some pics so we could remember what the 2007 display looked like. To get a better view, just click on any of the photos.

Here is a panorama of the lights across the street.

This is Chloe's favorite view, because you can see it from the living room window.

Another favorite of Chloe's is the duck family, which luckily was right across the street from the house this year (the spot occupied last year by the teddy bear family).

This is the view from the front yard looking to the west.

Christmas wishes

Thank you to everyone who sent us a Christmas card this year. Cindy put up a nice display in the living room and it brought a lot of joy. Since we're in the process of taking down the decorations, I thought I would snap a picture and say thank you to everyone. We hope you all had a merry Christmas and best wishes in the new year. To see more detail, just click on the picture.