Monday, September 24, 2007

Playing Dress Up

Her Highness displays the Royal Jewels.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Storytime with Chloe

Alex was getting upset, so Chloe decided to go get a book and read him a story.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Chloe gets a pet

Monday night Chloe welcomed a new member to the family - a pet fish. Her name is Goldie Fish (although when Chloe calls her name it sounds more like Gold-a-Feesh). As you can see, she welcomed Goldie Fish with a big hug and a kiss. Later, when she got some pizza in a cut in her finger and required a band-aid, Chloe had to say, "Look, Gold-a-Feesh. I godda band-aid." Goldie Fish seemed very impressed.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Alex got a new car for his birthday...(he loves cruisin' and waving at all the pretty girls). He got his immunizations on Wednesday. The vaccine for chicken pox actually give him the chicken pox and he has little red bumps all over his belly and back right now. Although he doesn't feel that great, he is still managing to have a good time and enjoy his new ride!