Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Here are Chloe and Alex on Easter Sunday tearing into their candy. Chloe had already taken her "after church" nap and was ready to do some real damage to that Easter Basket.
Chloe takes some time to give Alex a sweet sticky hug.

Alex knows there is candy inside the egg, but he's not quite sure how to get it he just tries to eat the whole thing.
Wow! Someone really loves Laffy Taffy. Click on the picture. You gotta see this expression close up.


The Easter Egg Hunt was held on such a chilly day, Chloe couldn't wear any of her frilly froo froo dresses...but that's O.K. It's easier to chase boys and destroy inflatable Easter Bunnies while wearing pants and comfortable shoes. Keep scrolling for photographic evidence of that last statement.
Chloe was a little disappointed when she discovered there was no candy inside the plastic Easter Eggs (...and that is putting it mildly). She got her revenge on the Easter Bunny later during the party.
Poor Bunny. He really took a pounding.

Chloe doesn't seem to mind that she is the only girl in the crowd. In fact, she is quite fond of boys. See below:

Friday, April 13, 2007


Here are Cousin Ella and Chloe, "The Birthday Girl" eating cake. You can see the Elmo cake below.

Chloe had an inflatable bouncy with a slide at the party. It was a lot of fun for the girls.

One of Chloe's favorite Birthday gifts was the turtle sand box and sand toys from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Debbie.


Cousin Ella (on the left) came with Aunt Karen and Nana to visit us the week before Chloe's 2nd Birthday Party, and we spent a lot of time at the beach. The girls loved being buried in the sand almost as much as digging in it.

Alex got to spend a lot of quality time with Nana, which he really loved.

Chloe enjoyed getting splashed by the waves so much, that it was extremely difficult to get her to come with us to the car when it was time to go home.
An extremely rare Mother/Daughter quiet moment.
We took an afternoon to do some sunset pictures on the beach. We got lucky with the weather. It was a really beautiful day.