Thursday, August 31, 2006

Going Home

Instead of a bunch of posts for each shot, I thought I would just post all the "coming home from the hospital" shots in one post. So, here we go:

Here's a shot of the proud dad. Just look how small our little man is.

Here, Aunt Karen gives him his first bath. Once again, not real happy.

After his bath, it was time for some close-ups. Here's one in black and white.

Here's another in color.

And this one shows him streched out and relaxing.

More Fun at the Beach

Chloe and Ella got to spend more time at the beach yesterday, when Grandma and Aunt Karen took them to the Crab Trap.

While the grown-ups enjoyed a refreshing beverage, the girls dined on crackers and enjoyed the salty air.

After a stroll on the beach, they had dinner at Fudpuckers and then came home.

(As you can see in the photo, the Pebbles Flintstone top-knot is now a daily part of Chloe's wardrobe, courtesy of Aunt Karen. If Chloe is Pebbles, Alex would be Bamm-Bam and that would make me Fred Flintstone and the similarities are just too frightening.)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Our Little Hippie

Some of you have been saying the pictures on the Web site haven't shown how much hair little Alex has, so here's the evidence -- sideburns and all.

Mom and Alex are doing well. We may get to go home tomorrow, which is good because I think Cindy and I are suffering from Chloe withdrawal.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Dig Going to the Beach

It looks like Chloe was involved in heavy labor today when she and Ella got to play at the beach while Mom recovers in the hospital.

Aunt Karen and Grandma Bonnie soon discovered that Chloe likes to pitch a fit sometimes by throwing herself on the ground. When you do that at the beach, you come up looking like a cinnamon-sugar doughnut.

While it was hard work for the adults, the girls had plenty of fun in the sun, then ate Goldfish crackers and sang all the way home.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Chloe Visits Alex

Alexander got his first visitors this afternoon when his big sister Chloe showed up, accompanied by Aunt Karen, Cousin Ella and Grandma Bonnie.

Alex's official length was 21 inches.

His First Close-Up

Alexander was born at 8:01 a.m. and, like his sister, is a native Floridian. This picture does a little better job of showing just how hairy our little boy is. Keep checking here for more news on Alexander.

And Alex Makes Four

You can see how happy Mom and Dad are that Alexander is healthy. Cindy is doing well and we are waiting for the nurses to bring him back to the room.

It looks like we might be in the hospital for a few days until Cindy is well enough to go home.

Alexander is Here!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Alexander Christian
Dobson. Our little man came in at 8 pounds, 5.2 ounces. We still don't have a length, but as you can see he's a long little devil.

You might notice there's lots and lots of hair.

The delivery went well. Cindy is recovering nicely and Alex is in the nursery trying to warm up a bit. Hopefully this afternoon he will get a visit from his big sister.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Gang's All Here

Chloe was SOOOOOO excited when cousin Ella, Aunt Karen and Grandma Bonnie arrived this afternoon.

As you can see in this picture, the girls had a good time playing together and talking on their toy phones (it's hard work being a baby).

Momma's doing fine and getting ready for tomorrow morning. By 7:30 we should have our little boy, Alex. Keep watching here for updates and all the latest news.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Chloe set for big weekend; Lots of playtime

Chloe is getting ready for a big weekend. With cousin Ella, Aunt Karen and Grandma Bonnie on their way, she'll almost be too busy to worry about the arrival of her little brother.

Keep checking here for updates on the arrival of Alex and all the fun of having house guests.

The Dobsons get a new Internet Home

In order to make it a bit easier to post new content, the Dobson Family has a new home at Blogger. We hope to be posting lots of stuff soon, with the arrival Monday of our little man, Alexander Christian Dobson.

Keep tuning in and there'll be lots more soon. You'll be able to find us at:
Joe and Cindy Online
Our new Blogger address