Monday, December 17, 2012

Chloe and Alex in the Nativity Play

Chloe and Alex were in their first Nativity Play last night. Chloe was Mary and Alex was one of the Three Wise Men. They sang their hearts out and we were so proud of them. Here's the whole play:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last Night the kiddos went Trick or Treating with some of their friends from church.
Chloe was Catwoman and Alex was Super Mario. 

The turkey pumpkin in the background was Chloe's entry in the Walton County Fair Pumpkin Decorating Contest.  She won a 1st place blue ribbon in  her division.  
Alex loved the blow up belly in his Super Mario costume.  He kept belly bumping all the kids.
The kids all loaded up in the church van and went to several church members homes to trick or treat and got so tired and hungry, they needed to take a rest/snack break by the time they got to our house.  They had a great time.  I think we may do it again next year.  It's a really fun and safe way for the kids to celebrate Halloween.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Alex's Sixth Birthday

Alex has a big time turning 6.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Leaky the Lizard

Alex has a new pet, Leaky the Lizard. He tells us a little about Leaky, when Chloe isn't interrupting.

Chloe has a close one, too

Chloe had a close call at first base, too. A VERY close call, as you cans see below.

Alex races to first base

Alex was just barely safe when he ran to first base yesterday. It was a close call, as you can see below.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tea Party

Chloe wanted a tea party for her 7th Birthday. All her guests decorated their own hats and looked absolutely adorable.They also decorated their own cupcakes and really got creative with the candy flowers, M&M's and sprinkles.
All the girls got candles for their cupcakes and after singing the Happy Birthday Song, they all got to blow them out together.
Chloe was such a good little Hostess. The girls used real ceramic tea pots and cups and never, broke, chipped or cracked anything. I was very impressed. Many of the girls held their pinkies up while drinking tea (a.k.a. pink lemonade). It was sooooo cute.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Introducing DJ Plays-a-Lot

We are already planning his world tour...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chloe learns to shoot

Momma teaches Chloe how to shoot, and man does it pay off. She scores 12 points in her team's 20-9 victory.