Friday, February 12, 2010

It Snowed in Florida!!

The snow didn't last long, and there was hardly any accumulation, but those big flakes were really pretty floating down. The kids had a blast trying to catch them.

Hell freezes over

It didn't last too long, but it was pretty while it was here.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Chef Chloe

Chef Chloe and her lovely assistant, Alex (still in P.J.' school today, so he's kickin' it old school in his favorite lounge wear) made some delicious Valentine treats this morning. Chocolate covered bananas with Valentine heart sprinkles....Oh Joy!! When they come out of the freezer, they'll be great valentine pops....if they can wait that long (you can see from the chocolate smiles that they've already been sampling a bit.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Chloe gives it up for the Single Ladies

Chloe throws it down ... playroom style.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

This Box Rocks!!

Each student in Chloe's K4 class at Preschool had to make Valentine Boxes to hold all their Valentine cards. Chloe loves her Disney Princess themed box. After she signs her Valentine cards to give away, she'll be all set for the Valentine's Day party at school. They're gonna have so much fun!