Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Chloe and Alex loved their Christmas books. Thank you Veronica!
Spending Christmas afternoon at Aunt Debbie's house. American Girl Julie shares her new bed with Rebecca and Lanie. Chloe was thrilled with that bed! Thank you, Aunt Debbie!
The post Christmas visit to Build-A-Bear Workshop to spend those gift cards! Thank you Ella, Kennedy, Lawson and Kaydon!Chloe blows stuffing into her Clarice ReindeerThey make a wish on the heart of their stuffed animal......and place inside their reindeer.Now it's bath time.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Chloe having fun at the mall

Chloe enjoyed the Waterballs at the mall this weekend while shopping for Mom's present.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chloe Wins 1st Place at the Science Fair

We're so proud of our little scientist. She won 1st place in the science fair at her elementary school. Here she is standing in front of her exhibit with her trophy. She also won a cash prize, which she wasn't that interested in....but, the trophy....wow! She couldn't wait to show the rest of her class.
This is Chloe accepting the trophy from her principal.
These are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mention winners with their certificates and trophies.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Buzz and Jessie

Chloe and Alex went trick or treating as Buzz Lightyear and Jessie this year. They've had a great Halloween. Tonight they got enough candy to last them till next year, LOL. Hope you all had a fun Halloween.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Chloe's Crazy Hair Day

Chloe's elementary school celebrated "drug free" week with different activities. This was crazy hair day.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chloe's 1st School Field Trip

Chloe's kindergarten class took a field trip this morning to the local pumpkin patch to get pumpkins, play games and take a hayride. The most exciting part of the trip was getting to ride on a school bus. Chloe talked about it for a week.
Pumpkin Bowling
Pumpkin Ring Toss
Penny Toss into the Pumpkin Pail
Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin
Chloe and her best friend from Kindergarten
Chloe had a really great time at the Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

These are the pumpkins the kids decorated for the pumpkin decorating contest at the Walton County Fair.

Fall Festival

Chloe's elementary school hosted a Fall Festival on Friday. Here they are buying goofy hats. A must have (apparently) for playing goofy games at the festival.
...can't get enough of the bouncy tents...Chloe gives Alex a little noggin to tushy boost up in the inflatable obstacle course (those things seem to be pretty popular this year....the inflatable, not the boost).It was hard to get the kids off this thing. They loved it.
Chloe and Alex didn't manage to dunk anyone, but they had fun trying.
Could anything be more fun than throwing a pie in your teacher's face??Check out my little balla's form. Is he a natural or what?!
Slushie + Hayride = Pure Joy


Joe and I took the kids to Haystackular the Saturday before last. It was so much fun. There was a huge hay stack maze, hay rides, punkin chunkin, bouncy tents, zip rides and a corn trough to play in....YeeeeeeeHaaaawwww!!!I think Chloe and Alex had more fun playing in the corn trough then their sand box.The Hay Ride
The inflatable obstacle courseAlex loved the "punkin chunkin" event, but Chloe had a meltdown and starting crying, "I don't wanna kill my pumpkin!" We let her take it home, which made her very happy (see below) and we decorated it for the pumpkin decorating contest at the Walton County Fair.More bouncy tent fun!What a graceful dismount!!