Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alex's party movies

Here are four short movies from Alex's party tonight. I think he had a good time.

Daddy gets to hug on his little girl.

Daddy gets to spend some quality time with his baby girl during Alex's birthday party.

Alexander turns two!

Alex, Chloe, Momma and Daddy all celebrated Alex's second birthday Thursday night. Here are a few scenes from Alex's big house party:

Chloe gets ready for the arrival of the birthday boy.

Man, is that good icing!

Hats on and ready to party!

I think I might need a damp paper towel.

You just wish your hat looked this good.

Just two years old and already the mustache is starting to come in a little.

Momma helps little man open his presents.

Chloe gets to help, too.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Swimming with Cousin Kennedy in Nana's backyard.
Ballerina Princess...sometimes a girl just wants to feel pretty!
Chloe and Kennedy love "helping" Nana in the garden.
Chloe and Alex visit their Great Grandma and Grandpa.
Cousin Ella shares her ice cream.
Alex doodles something entertaining for PaPa.
Chloe and Kennedy spent a few hot afternoons cooling off in the pool.
Picking blackberries behind PaPa's shop.
Naptime with PaPa.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008