Friday, July 27, 2007

The Renfro Grandchildren

These photos were taken at PaPa and Nana's house last night. Getting this many little ones to smile (sort of) at the same time was quite a job.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chloe on the Trampoline

Chloe loves to visit her AR cousins. They are loads of fun AND have a trampoline. This photo really captured her...she was barely more than a blur while playing yesterday evening. There was so much to do, she really exhausted herself. She had just enough energy left to take a bath and fall into bed last night.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Family Visit

Chloe, Alex, and Cindy visited with the Neals on Sunday. After lunch at Aunt Judy's house the little ones got quite a bit of cuddling. Below is Aunt Judy with Chloe and Cousin DeeDee with Alex.
Alex has been getting so much hugging and squeezing that it just wears the little fella out. He barely had enough energy to finish his lunch before he fell asleep in his chair in the photo below.
Cousin Kennedy came by for a visit and the kids had a great time playing with Nana's doll house

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dress Up

Cousin Ella and Chloe have been playing dress up quite a bit this week. They love to put on their princess gear and dance around the house. Check out Chloe's new hair cut in the photo below.
Chloe took a bit of a spill on the sidewalk earlier in the week and got herself a couple of skinned knees...hence, the lovely band-aids.

Is there anything cuter than a little girl in a tutu??!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ella and Lawson

Cousin Ella and her baby brother, Lawson, are playing the perfect hosts for Chloe and Alex this week. Mom was able to get a shot of the pair this week.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Standing Room Only

Little man pulled up by himself for the first time this morning.

Hot Fun In The Summertime

Chloe and her cousin Ella enjoyed a little watermelon yesterday while playing in Ella's backyard.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Off to the races

Although it wasn't even close to an Olympic event, Chloe got to race with her friends on July 4th before the fireworks started. As you can see from the video, the race would be best described as unconventional.

July 4th fun in Florida

Chloe and Alex had a big time on July 4th. We had supper at Chloe's friend Reagan's house and then watch the fireworks. Momma had a special July 4th outfit picked out for Chloe and Alex played and screamed until he just passed out.