Thursday, September 07, 2006

Daddy's Little Girl

Chloe has been needing a little more attention since Alex came along. Where she used to enjoy the freedom of running around all the time, now she wants to be held and played with a little more.

So, Daddy has been able to spend more time playing with his little girl. Here we were having fun making faces for the camera.

Getting More Curious

This weekend, Chloe seemed to be more curious about Alex, as you can see from this picture.

She's very busy playing with cousin Ella, but she takes time out now and then to give Alex a kiss on the forehead or a pat on the arm.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More Beach Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from the beach:

Chloe's trying to "keep it real" on the beach.

Chloe gets a kiss from Grandma Bonnie.

Aunt Karen and Cousin Ella are having fun.